Hello World!
Hello I am dAmu!
This is a blog on a WriteFreely server I am hosting on a VPS, and installed with a click via YunoHost.
I am considering this as a serious option mainly as I want a web interface to write. I still like the OrgMode to HTML + Git that I am using for my main page but access to a computer becomes a must. There are too many steps and each one is one which can (will!) lead me on a tangent. I checked at a surface level on how to automate it but not too deeply, dropped like a hot plate once I saw mentions of git-hooks etc.
I have to say I like how clean the WriteFreely interface is, with zero clutter. Easy to post and I get the RSS and ActivityPub integrations too for free!
I have not yet decided what I will be posting here, though my current inclination is to make it a technical blog. I am only moderately (, if that) capable with the internet, so maybe some posts about what I struggled with and how I solved it. I am also considering writing about electronics, basics and a little advanced stuff I know.
I hope to have a fairly regular stream of posts.